All is Energy

We constantly hear about the energy crisis and the need for sustainable energy. Yet we forget that everything in the world is energy in manifestation. The word energy is derived from the Greek energos meaning active. Everything in the physical world, including all human activity, is a result of this vital, dynamic quality of life.

The Energy or Etheric Body

The entire manifested universe – the cosmos, the solar system, human beings, the various kingdoms of nature – possesses an energy body. Although this is subtle and intangible, and cannot be seen by the naked eye, it is nevertheless substantial and conditions all outer forms.

While mainstream science rejects the notion of an energy body, there is a momentum within certain scientific circles suggesting the reality of some form of subtle, universal energy field. This is especially noticeable in the networks of scientists working on ideas of an electrical universe, exploring morphic resonances and quantum coherence.

Wisdom teachings down the ages affirm that we live within an ocean of energies, and that we ourselves are a finely tuned system of interacting vital forces. Our own energy body is an integral part of the energy body of the planet, which is itself an integral part of the energy body of the solar system. In esoteric traditions of the West and the East this energy body is often referred to as the etheric body, with networks of centers, or chakras, and subtle pathways of relationship. Through this medium, every human being is related to every other expression of the one universal, divine, life.

The quality and focus of our thinking conditions the energies flowing into and through our etheric body. As we develop the qualities, for example, of a loving mind, and as our thoughts become more potent, the vibrations we put out into the world radiate these qualities with increasing effectiveness. This applies to groups working in meditation with particular points of focus just as much as it does to individuals – particularly those groups using some form of shared service meditation.

There is a Plan

The outer world of circumstances and events can be understood as the product of the dominant qualities circulating through the planetary etheric body at any particular period in world history. Ideas that hold the seeds for future world culture and civilization – such as the idea of wholeness and interdependence sweeping through the etheric body and transforming life in our time – come from the Universal Mind, the Mind of God. They carry the energies of a great design or pattern, a divine plan working out in response to the evolving mind of humanity. During times of transformation creative thinkers register and respond to these vitalized ideas.

All who have developed imaginative and contemplative qualities of mind – and this can be through traditional prayer or meditation practices, or through dedicated study of one of the sciences or the arts – are able to touch and register ideas held in the Mind of God. A sense of future possibilities awakens within them, and their own creative thinking generates energies which flow through the etheric field, transforming the climate of thought and making fundamental changes in the world possible.

In our time, at the dawning of a new era vivified by the impulse of wholeness, there are more people thinking with creativity and intuitive focus than at any previous time in history. There are also more concentrated fields of group thought than ever before. All who are pondering the vision of wholeness and its application in a multitude of ways form a world group of mind and heart, a field of potency in the etheric body of humanity.

Although the divine blueprint will always be something of a mystery to us, our deepest conviction is that light is ultimately destined to illumine our minds, love to govern all relationships, and also that the will of God (the will to good) will increasingly guide our human wills. All who truly seek to love and serve humanity and the Earth are cooperating with this ultimate purpose. Those who understand the power of thought have the possibility of playing a particularly creative role.

Using the Mind in Service of the Plan

The Christ said, “As a person thinks in his heart, so is he”. If our thoughts are to be magnetic and constructive, it is essential for the heart to be open to the flow of love. Using visualization, the thinker should at some stage lift the consciousness to the soul – the Christ consciousness or Buddha nature within each one of us – and, imaginatively reflecting in the light of the soul, link in thought with the spiritual guides on the inner side of life. This helps to build a bridge, or channel, between the mind of God and human minds, through which love and light and the will-to-good can energize human consciousness.

It is vital for all thinkers to realize that they are part of a subjectively unified world group, creating a pool of thought that each contributes to and that each can draw upon. There are many ways of thinking a subject through in order to clarify and develop it, but effort should be made to penetrate behind outer appearances, searching for meaning, significances, and relationships with other ideas or streams of thought. Causes should be looked for rather than effects. Thinking and pondering in this way leads to contemplation, the gateway to inspiration and illumination.

A scientist working in a laboratory to reveal the laws of nature is engaged in a form of meditation. Planning with care and understanding for the helping of the needy is meditation. The clarification of the concepts of philosophy and the formulation of philosophical principles is meditation. The application of the power of mind to the problems of government and international relations is meditation. In all these fields the themes will differ but the process is identical. Wherever the motive is the welfare of all, that work may be expected to respond to the impulses of divine purpose.

Group Thought

A group working together in meditation and concentrated thought can direct energy towards the creation of a more loving and lighted culture. Each individual contributes the energetic content of their meditations to the group field.

The most successful contributors to group fields of thought are continually broadening their understanding of their own self and of the nature of their mind, recognizing that the illusions and veils hiding the Real within their own nature are echoed throughout the human family. In part, through this ever deepening knowledge of the self and of what the Buddha has termed the nature of suffering, the understanding of the group purpose will become increasingly clear. This clarification of purpose is important, for one of the primary roles of service through meditation is for the group to hold the purpose of the work in the light, and to do so with strength, clarity and persistence.

Triangles and Other Projects

The Triangles network is one example of a group working together in a clear and defined way with the power of thought to support the creation of a more compassionate world. Three individuals agree to work together in thought. Every day they invoke light and goodwill, visualizing their triangle flooded with these energies. All triangles are linked together in a planetary network and as participants use the Great Invocation they imagine light and goodwill pouring through the network and into the wide field of human consciousness. Each Triangle invokes a culture of the soul and acts as a living example of the principle that energy follows thought.

Participants in the Cycle of Conferences Project focus on selected global conferences where important development issues are under consideration. The group seeks to energize the lighted thoughtform which the conference participants are building in their discussions and deliberations.

Every Wednesday, participants in the Goodwill Meditation Group, link together in thought at 12 noon to focus on the energy of goodwill. The group acts as a channel through which energies can flow more abundantly from spiritual levels into the hearts and minds of all people.

Information on these projects is available on line and all who are interested in working in service with the power of group thought are invited to take part. | |


The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into human minds.
Let Light descend on Earth.


From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into human hearts.
May the Coming One return to Earth.


From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide all little human wills—
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.


From the center which we call the human race

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.


Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.


Adapted Version


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