Reflections On Communication

Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

The science of communication started through the sense of touch and developed through sound, symbols, words and sentences, languages, writing, art, and on again to the stage of higher symbols, vibratory contact, telepathy, inspiration and illumination. I have in the above dealt with the general outline . . . .

Alice Bailey (adapted)

First learn the meaning of what you say, and then speak.


Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.

William Wordsworth

I feel that the great challenge of our time is the communication of ideas.

Alain de Botton

It is fundamentally necessary that the new groups which are inaugurating the new discipleship should eventually establish a telepathic rapport with each other. Later, when there is a closer individual inter-relation, it will be possible to give definite teaching which will make this increasingly possible, but in the meantime a hint will have to suffice. It is foundational in nature and will have to be accepted and somewhat understood prior to successful work in all these pioneering groups. Think outwardly towards each other in love. Just simply that, my brothers— simply and humbly that and no more than that at present. Can you accept such a simple rule— apparently simple? In this way the etheric body of this group of disciples will be animated by the golden energy and the light of love and thus a network of light will be established which will form a focal point of energy in the etheric body of humanity itself and eventually in the planetary etheric body also.

Alice Bailey

Words are but the signs of ideas.

Samuel Johnson

Sound or speech and the use of words have been regarded by the ancient philosophers (and are increasingly so regarded by modern thinkers) as the highest agent used by man in moulding himself and his surroundings. Thought, speech and the resultant activity on the physical plane complete the triplicity which make a man what he is, and place him where he is.

Is it not essential, therefore, that before we speak we should think, thus remembering the injunction, "You must attain to knowledge, ere you can attain to speech"? Having thought, let us then choose the right words to express the right thought, attempting to give correct pronunciation, proper values, and true tonal quality to every word we utter.

As evolution proceeds, and the human family rises into its true position in the great plan of the universe, right and correct speech will be increasingly cultivated, because we shall think more before we utter words, or, as a great teacher has said, “through meditation we shall rectify the mistakes of wrong speech;” and the significance of word forms, true and correct sounds, and vocal quality will become ever more apparent.

Alice Bailey (adapted)

During the past few decades, modern technology, with radio, TV, air travel, and satellites, has woven a network of communication which puts each part of the world in to almost instant contact with all the other parts.

David Bohm