January—March 2009

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Cultivating Pliability in an Age in Flux — Editorial
The objective for the world’s disciples and aspirants is not merely to "remain standing", so to speak, during the inflow of new-age energies, but to be of service to the Great Ones who seek to work through their agents in the world: the new group of world servers.

The Period of Transition — Djwhal Khul

Occultism, Buddhism, and the No-Soul Doctrine - Part I — Leoni Hodgson
Many people whose understandings are based on Deity and soul are bemused about the Buddhist no-soul and no-Creator. What is it that the great Teacher is supposed to have said and is there some way the Buddhist and occult teachings ( the writings of Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, which are closely aligned with Vedanta) could be reconciled?

A Look at Advaita, The Non Dual Experience and the Tibetan’s Teachings in the Alice A. Bailey Books – Part III — Two Students
Advaita teachings say there is no ego or personality that gets liberated. Liberation is the disappearance of the ego or personality, of the idea of me and mine. We just need to remember and rest in the ever present Now, this unique experience of the Self that we have always been.

The Power of Silence— Lee Blackburn
On a higher turn of the spiral, the group must also come to an understanding of the power of silence, and this will involve the establishment of a cooperative silence amongst its own atomic lives – the establishment of right-relationship between those individual aspirants who constitute its own body of manifestation.

Genius, Insanity and the Noble Middle Path — Iván Kovács
Perhaps genius in its purest form is the mind that naturally inclines to the qualities that are outlined in the Noble Eightfold Path – disciplined, sober, compassionate, and innovative…

The Esoteric in Art – Part I — Daisy Grove
Schopenhauer believes that we may be led to the recognition of the world of eternal essences (Plato’s realm of Divine Archetypes) by the artist-treatment of objects and facts of experience. That is to say, that through art we may be led to see the Real beyond the Unreal, the eternal behind the temporal.

Abdul Ghaffar Khan: A Forerunner — Julie Rudzinski
In the austere mountains of the Frontier Province today the weed of revenge grows beside the "wild daisies" of the once-peaceful Pakhtun soldiers who marched in the army of God. They symbolize for us the choice faced by our civilization at this crossroads of history, presenting either the curse of war or the promise of peace.


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