Light in Edinburgh

Light in Edinburgh are preparing an introductory flyer on the Festival Week, and will be holding two meetings. In the flyer they note: "Throughout the world men and women are serving humanity. Energized by love and goodwill, they take responsibility for providing the solutions to the problems of humanity. They are known as the New Group of World Servers."




Flyer NGWS screen (2).pdf 135.04 kB

To help publicise the week, they will be sponsoring a meeting on Sunday 9 December, 7-9 pm at the Theosophical Society, 28 King Street, Edinburgh. Speakers (Susan Kennedy and John Dumigan, Light in Edinburgh; Mike Hall, Theosophical Society) will be reflecting on service from the perspective of the teachings of Theosophy, Agni Yoga and Alice Bailey. During the week itself, there will be a celebratory meditation meeting on Sunday 23 December, 2-4 pm in the Salisbury Centre, 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh.

For further information, please contact: lightinedinburgh(at)