Video archive

Saturday, November 2, 2013 — from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Colonial Dames of America
Abigail Adams Smith Auditorium
417 East 61st Street
(between 1st and York Avenues),
New York, NY

Energy Follows Thought: Creating the Climate for Social Change

Talks and group discussion exploring the critical role of thought in reshaping the world so that it more truly reflects the wholeness sensed within.

  Thought plays a critical role in creating the climate for positive social change. Working together as a group in New York, London and Geneva the intention of this event is to build a group thoughtform to support all who truly love and serve.  

1:00 pm Opening Remarks

Craig Holdrege


Living Thinking: Developing a Deeply Ecological Consciousness
Craig Holdrege, PhD, is the founder and director of The Nature Institute in Ghenty, NY. An educator and biologist, Craig is keenly interested in the interconnected nature of things, and his work is inspired by the dynamic ways of knowing developed by Goethe and Rudolf Steiner. His most recent book: Thinking Like a Plant: A Living Science for


Group Discussion and Questions | Group Visualization

2:40 pm Coffee

3:15 pm David Nicol

Subtle Activism: Collective Transformation and the Power of Thought


David Nicol, PhD, is Director of the Gaiafield Project, a non-profit in Berkeley advancing the study and practice of subtle activism. His forthcoming book Subtle Activism: The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation is the first comprehensive academic treatment of the topic. He is adjunct faculty in the Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness Program at California Institute of Integral Studies, where he teaches a clas on subtle activism.


4:30pm Closing remarks and group meditation

5:00pm Close

All are welcome – no charge for admission (donations gratefully received)

World Goodwill, 120 Wall Street , 24th Floor, New York, NY 10005.- Phone (212) 292-0707 - e-mail: at


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