Goodwill in World Affairs

A regular bulletin on the energy of goodwill in world affairs


Wise thinkers have, throughout the ages suggested that the substance of the world, and the essential dynamic of time, are imbued with a purposeful force, often understood as a divine impulse, driving the cycles and rounds of evolution. From this perspective our time is infused with the tension of transformation. Thoughts about what is possible shape the will in the present to bring about transformation in the future, aligning that will with a higher spirit of purpose. Focused imaginative thought about a world in which the natural quality of goodwill radiates through all the structures and systems of relationship makes initiatory transformation of human affairs a practical possibility... more

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Recent Issues:

Towards a New Spirituality: Building Bridges for an Integrated World || Global Conflict and the Road to Right Relationship || In Search of a New Culture || Towards Climate Balance|| Imagination and Social Regeneration || Re-weaving the Fabric of Society || Education: Unveiling the Light of the Soul || The Spiritual Dynamics of Crisis on the Path to Global Cooperation || Problems of Humanity, Solutions for the World pt2  || Problems of Humanity, Solutions for the World  || Weaving the Network of Aquarian Service  || The Dignity of Labour ||  In Resonance with the Living Earth || Poles Apart, Poles Together || From the Unreal to the Real: part 2 - Philosophy, Science and Art || From the Unreal to the Real: part 1 - Journalism, Media and Education || Leadership: Energising the Magnetic Seed of the Future 


World Goodwill Newsletter

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World View

A series of articles seeking to discuss world events and trends from the angle of the trained observer

TWO WORLD VIEWS on BREXIT:   Brexit and a Globalisation of the Soul ||  Rising to the Occasion

Previous articles:

Why the Will Matters Now  ||   Prophecy and Prediction  ||  Phoenix Rising  ||  The Spiritual Side of Austerity  ||  The Speed of Truth




A more in-depth reflection on the significance of emerging spiritual principles

The Child: Awakening the Consciousness of the Soul - a consideration of ways in which the spiritual unfoldment of children and youth can be fostered

Recent issues:

Progress in the Life of Humanity  ||  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Signpost to Freedom  ||  Aging on the Pathway of the Soul || Freedom from Fear and Want: Disarmament, Peace and Security in an Interdependent World


keep in touch

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