2010 Fall Letter

September 2010

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Dear co-worker,

Preparation for the reappearance of the Christ, the World Teacher known by other names and expected by many of the world’s religions, was viewed by the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul as “the major incentive lying back of all that I do”. To prepare human consciousness for this great impending event, he said, the most important tool we have is the distribution and widespread use of the Great Invocation. In this year of Emergence in the cycle of energy flow which governs the new group of world servers, the Invocation constitutes a powerful mantram for making impact on public consciousness. Because its effects can never be predicted, we are asked simply to make it available – in all forms, all languages, and through all avenues of distribution.

We cannot wait for some great organised “push” to accomplish this goal, any more than we can expect governments, large institutions and the holders of vast amounts of wealth to carry out its distribution on a worldwide scale. Rather, each individual who responds to the Great Invocation must have a hand in sharing it with those in his or her environment. Perhaps that is as it should be, for the seeding of human consciousness with spiritual values is not the province of a wise teacher or two, or even hundreds. Instead, the transformation of consciousness on which our planet depends for its very future existence requires the willingness of countless thinking individuals of goodwill to take responsibility. In this way, the transmission of spiritual energy from heart to heart and mind to mind is ensured.

The uniqueness of the Great Invocation is that it invokes all three of the divine aspects – Light, Love and Power. When it was given out in 1946, all three planetary Kingdoms – Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity – became enlisted in a synthetic endeavour for the first time in our planet’s history, and this development cannot be over-estimated. Such is humanity’s place in the great Chain of Being that to anchor these energies on Earth cannot be done without the cooperation of humanity, given of its own free consent. In the appeal of the Invocation, all levels of human consciousness are blended, for the Invocation touches average human beings, men and women of goodwill, and disciples, blending the attributes of instinct, intelligence and intuition.

This impact of the Great Invocation on human consciousness is an expression of the “raincloud of knowable things”, that curious phrase which describes the impending, overshadowing and revelatory storehouse of energy which is ready to emerge in human consciousness as the recognition of “that which is new, better and progressively right”, in the words of Alice Bailey. The Plan must work out not just for humanity but through humanity, and this may help us to understand why the sense of that which is imminent is such an important objective now before the disciples of the world.

The preparation of human consciousness for these recognitions has been the focus of our group work for many years. Now, as the energies of the new age pour in, generating a dynamic spiritual stimulation but also coming into conflict with the departing but still lingering energies of the old age, the usefulness of the Invocation and the Service Activities of Triangles and World Goodwill becomes increasingly apparent. The work of Triangles is the directing of thought to impress human minds with light and goodwill. A video introducing Triangles is now posted on our website at www.triangles.org for easy forwarding to your contacts. Also on the Triangles site is introductory information on Triangles in a number of languages, including Arabic, Dutch, Farsi, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Tagalog, so that awareness of Triangles can be extended beyond the five languages of our website (English, French, Greek, Italian, and Spanish).

World Goodwill’s section of our website has recently been restructured. Now highlighted are: the World View - brief articles on current issues; the Goodwill Blog where examples from the media are posted which highlight the creative power of goodwill; and the Goodwill Links section which features groups working in such diverse areas as Conflict Resolution/Peace Building, Culture, Earth Stewardship, Faith-Based Initiatives, Sharing, and World Unity. All of these features are being updated regularly so we encourage you to check the website frequently.

The Cycle of Conferences is a project of World Goodwill which was begun several years ago to strengthen the subjective mental atmosphere in which the numerous global conferences take place. The direction of lighted thought, imbued with the will-to-good, can help to sustain the efforts of those who bear responsibility for reaching decisions through such conferences. Information on this service initiative is enclosed and your participation is invited.

Each year World Goodwill holds a symposium in the three headquarters centres on a theme of interest and concern to all people of goodwill. The topic of this year’s symposium, to be held on Saturday, November 6th, will be “The Spirit of Money and the Divine Circulatory Flow”. A program is enclosed and you and your friends are warmly invited to attend, thus helping to build the thoughtform of solution to this crucial problem. The redirection of money-energy from the control of the Forces of Materialism into the control of the Forces of Light is a fundamental aspect of preparation for the reappearance of the Christ, and as events of the past two years have demonstrated, this is now an urgent imperative demanding the attention of individuals, groups and whole nations throughout the world. Few are escaping the consequences of humanity’s materialistic approach to the handling of money, a development which is causing much suffering but also demonstrating how interlinked the one Humanity is.

The impact of the financial crisis is especially acute for many charities and non-profit groups like ours, and we ask you to keep in mind the need of the work for a steady infusion of money-energy to carry out its purposes. We have never set a price on any of the work we do, other than the publication of the printed books and occasional DVD’s, because no material value can be accurately placed on spiritual teaching. We have always depended on the financial support of those who share a sense of responsibility for the goals of our work, and we thank everyone for your generous contributions—past, present and future.
May this appeal of the Tibetan take on new meaning for all dedicated servers:

I ask you to throw your efforts into the work of preparation for the reappearance of the Christ. The world must be flooded with the information and through the hope and expectancy thus engendered may move forward into greater light, better human relations and a newer happiness.


Sincerely yours,


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